Quality Policy

Linero Tech AB aims to help people start a career in IT. We therefore place high demands on the education we offer. Anyone attending our courses should feel secure that they are getting an education to help them take the next step in their careers.

As part of this mission, we offer educational training with a high-quality curriculum, teaching methodology, and relevance to the job market.

As a professional organization, we have taken a strict position on quality, which is expressed in this quality policy and has been developed on behalf of the Board.

It is a document with guidelines regarding quality and factors that affect the organization. Employees and board members at Linero Tech are expected to follow this policy.

1. We comply with laws and relevant requirements

Our operations are conducted according to Swedish legislation and the applicable requirements imposed on the business.

2. We have high goals and drive continuous improvements

We have high ambitions for the goals we set in our work to create the best learning environment for our students. We monitor our work and constantly improve our approach to meet the ever-changing needs of the market, industry, and students.

3. We act in the best interests of our students

All changes to our pedagogy, curriculum, and education are based on what is best for the students to increase their chances of career success and completion of their course.

Quality policy adopted by the board of directors of Linero Tech AB.

Humberto Linero
CEO of Linero Tech AB